Friday 7 July 2017

Please pray for Revd Dr James Bruce and his son Will who are flying out to Rwanda on Tuesday 11th as an advanced part of Team Rwanda 2017. They will be travelling up to Byumba to work with our partners there, visiting and evaluating the three water-harvesting projects that DT has financed so far in Nyabyondo, Hunga and Gaseke parishes. 

They will then visit the parish of Gitovu to oversee the start of another water-harvesting project that DT is paying for, which should be completed during our visit in August.

As a result of their visit, James and Will are planning to draw up a five-year strategy for installing water-harvesting projects across the diocese. This will include guidelines on how to make the most of the income that is generated both for furthering the gospel and enabling other water-harvesting projects to be set up. It's an exciting development in our partnership and we pray that it will produce 'good fruit' as well as both kinds of water - 'living' and natural!

Pray too for their time with Sally James - who is continuing her work in King Solomon Academy. The school is benefitting from Sally's input and, although there are challenges, Sally is encouraged by the developments.